Donnerstag, 18. November 2010

Why are the lives of celebrities so important (to us)?

Everyday we are bombarded with images and information concerning the lives of celebrities.  It is almost impossible to escape hearing the latest gossip about your favorite (or least favorite) star(s).  No one can deny that such gossip drives big business. People are definitely willing to pay for something to talk about.  There is also no denying that much of that information comes at a high cost to the celebrity, who at the end of the day is just a person like you and I.  Below you will find a link to a very interesting article on the topic. Why are the lives of others so important? Why do we care about celebrities? What does private knowledge about a public person do for us?

Freitag, 12. November 2010

Are Men really from Mars? Are women really from Venus?

                                                               Hello Class,

We began a bit of this discussion in class yesterday.  Lets dig deeper into this topic. Please read the article at this link and share your thoughts. Do you think that men and women are really that different? If there are differences, how much of those differences are biologically and/or socially based?  Or, are we more alike than we think?

Please share your thoughts on this topic.

14 Nov. 2010
Hello All,

Great comments!! I apologize for the dead link. It seems that the article was removed. Here is a link to a more interesting article. Please let me know your thoughts.

Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

San Francisco bans Happy Meals -

This will make for a very interesting discussion. It seems that beginning Dec. 1, it will be against the law to buy (and possibly sell)
Happy Meals for young children at McDonalds in San Francisco and its surrounding county. What are your thoughts about this?
I have linked an article, which explains this issue in greater detail, to this email. Please class, share your thoughts regarding this matter?

San Francisco bans Happy Meals -