Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Resolutions for the NEW YEAR!!!

 2011. 2011. 2011. 2011. 2011. 2011. 2011. 2011.
2010 is coming to an end. Many of us are excited about the idea of beginning another new year. Around this time of year, people make their resolutions. A resolution is a vow that you make to yourself concerning something you want to change, achieve, or do differently in the new year.  Do you have a New Year's resolution? I have attached a link to a text about one woman's resolution. Please read it and share your thoughts. Please tell us what you think about her resolution, and feel free to provide us with some information concerning your own resolutions. What are you interested in accomplishing, changing, experiencing in the new year?

10 Kommentare:

  1. The woman seems to have had some extended party night. During the party, she seems to have traded certain insights about other people. Other people present at the party seem to have done so as well. Afterwards, she feels guilty because she may have uttered something about other people that may have been too personal. Now she is planning to change this habbit.

  2. 2011 - a new year -a new bginning.What have I done in 2010 and what can I change in 2011? Well I have not a certain New Year's resolution but generally talking I would like to be someone who always has a positive attitude towards things he wants to achieve.I think believing in the power of positive thinking:) contributes to success in life-and success is everyone's aim.I am not a pessimist but I do not always think in a positive way.

  3. I do not really have a resolution this year.I kind of have the attitude: "just wait and see."
    I will be spontaneous and react according to the situations which are going to take place in the future.

  4. Personally, I try not to be the subject of gossip, let alone the source of it, because I think it's a bad habit to talk behind people's backs, especially if they're your friends. Since I think that spreading secrets is an absolute no-go as well, I can understand the woman's *gossip- hangover* and her guilty concience.

    My resolutions for this year are to not take university that seriously: To study- but stop going crazy if things don't go my way or if I don't understand some new stuff immediately.

  5. I totally agree with what Judith said before.

    I have got several resolutions for this year.

    I want to travel during the semester breaks and get to know more of the world.
    Besides, I want to be more relaxed if things do not happen the way I want to.
    Another resolution of mine is to be more positive.
    I am no person, who thinks negative, all the time but sometimes there are such moments.
    Now, I want to try to see the positive in everything.
    That makes things much easier, I think.

  6. After having read this article, was able to sympathise with the writer, because firstly she felt very guilty after that "gossip night" and secondly she was very honest in admitting her awful behaviour to us ( the readers ) and to the girls about whom she had been spreading gossip.
    A further point I liked was that she made reflections upon her own behaviour , she asked herself what can she could change, which shows an ability to criticise herself. To me this is a very important quality as it is the only way one can at all try to improve one's self .
    Of course, I didn‘t approve of what she did that night or on earlier occasions. Her being a journalist does not excuse this attitude, but it helps us to understand in this case why she has been acting this way.
    The article indicates that people aren't always intending to hurt those around them with their gossiping, that they aren't necessarily aware of the consequences of their actions and that they often only start to think about this seriously when they themselves become a victim of such gossip.

  7. I don't really have any resolutions for the new year! A few years ago, I always tried to make resolutions, but in fact I forgot them just a few days later. What I do, is that I make some kind of resolutions during the whole year and try to fulfill them. It is something that motivates me to do this, or to do that over and over again!

  8. The woman who wrote this article about her resolution for the new year seems to be typical to me- or at least her way of thinking.
    Didn't we all, at some time, have resolutions or made vows to ourselves for the new year? Honestly, did we stick to what we wanted to do? I think resolutions for a new year are often only made because of a kind of tradition: something new starts, we think that something must change. For example, smokers say "Next year I'll stop smoking" or others want to start a diet... To me, these resolutions do not make sense as they are not made because you really want to change something, but only because a new year starts and you feel as if your life had to change, too. If you really want to change something in your life, or want to achieve a certain thing, you can start doing it at any time of the year.
    All in all, I think resolutions made only because a new year starts are senseless. Still, I have some wishes. I wish to stay happy and healthy and enjoy time with the people I love. However, those are wishes I always have, not just because we are in 2011 now.

  9. Personally, I think New Year’s resolutions are pretty lame, because most people do not achieve them anyway, but, nevertheless, I made up a few resolutions, as well. ;)
    Most people come up with ideas which are pretty impossible to achieve.

    As well, as the woman in the text: “So out with the old and in with the new me.”
    It is not possible to change the personality or habits from one day to the next. For example, loosing 50 kilos this year, do sports seven times a week, eat healthy, abandon chocolate and chips, study for university every day… resolutions which no one would achieve…

    But I think it is ‘motivating’ to have little, simple and realizable things in mind. I had the resolution to get earlobe piercings this year. And I already realized this wish and got my first earrings after 21 years!
    Some others have already mentioned, that they have some resolutions for the next year, but I think they don’t want to change these things, only because it is a new year. It is more, to make life worth it in general.

  10. Well,I have an resolution for the new year: To be a better human being and to be better to other people to my family to my friends and of course to me.
    And to be honest, I pray to God that he helps me in my whole life.
    My new years resolution everytime is to come to an upper level in my consciousness and to leave all my bad habits in the last year.

    I think that this resolution could be a good starting-point for the women in the article.
    She shouldn't take part in gosspis anymore and should be distance herself from the sinful gossip. Her feature of gossip-talk makes her cheap.
