Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

Thoughts: The Power of Positive Thinking....

How powerful is the human mind? In what ways does the mind have an impact on our external worlds?  There is a growing population of people that believe that the way to solve a majority of our problems is through simply changing our ways of thinking.  Within the past few years, more and more attention has been given to self-help authors, and writers who believe in and have further added to these ideas.  In America, you can buy loads of DVDs and books that support this idea.  While there are passionate supporters of the law of positive thinking, there are definitely many critics. There are some critics who think that this way of thinking is ridiculous.  The arguments both for and against are vast.  What are your thoughts?

12 Kommentare:

  1. I think there might be some truth in the power of positive thinking. When you really believe in what you do and when you think that you can achieve what you want, it might be easier to succeed. You do not waste time worrying about where you might fail or what might happen if not everything works out the way you wanted. However, I think this power is limited to a certain degree. It will help in special situations, e.g. when you apply for a job or when you have a football match. In the first situation, positive thinking will help you to appear more confident and open. In the second situation, it will give you strength and you will try your hardest. Not giving up is always important and positive thinking leads to that.
    Still, you cannot change the world with your mind. When you have an important exam, positive thinking will help, of course, but it is definitely not enough. There are many other situations in which your way of thinking can support you, but you still have to really DO something to get what you want.
    In conclusion, positive thinking will always help to a certain extend as it influences your attitude. Nevertheless, there are many cases in which you will have to do more than only think positively - cases, in which no self-help author or DVD can help you to realize your aims.

  2. Personally, I believe in the power of positive thoughts to a certain extend.
    In some degree, our beliefs and thoughts can influence our ability to change our realities.

    If you look at happy, energetic and positive people, you will see that they have a completely different body language, in comparison to negative people: they stand in an upright position, smile a lot, the voice is more powerful, their eyes are shining and in general, they bring along more power and energy. Don’t we like to be around these positive- thinking people, because we feel that they affect ourselves in some way? It seems like they “infect” us with their smile and happiness and that they transfer their positive attitude.
    Of course it is also exaggerated to be ALWAYS in a good mood, but most people try to avoid people who are always in a negative mood and complain and moan about everything. Don’t we?!

    If you spend your entire day by negative and hopeless thoughts, you will indeed act in a negative and hateful way. You are demotivated and think “I wouldn’t achieve my aims and dreams anyway, so why should I start to even try it?” In general, negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions.
    You can be influenced so much by negative thoughts that you actually may convince yourself that you are unloved, hated, ugly and fat and will never find a job, for example. Lots of people try to change their mind by focusing on positive things in life so that they become a balanced and happier person.

    Of course it is not possible to erase all negative thoughts of your mind and you will always have moments of uncertainty, doubts and fear.

    However, if you are 100 percent determined to succeed, whatever is coming, there is a high chance to gain your goals, but only, if you are working hard for it. As Anna already pointed out: It is not enough to just believe in writing a good exam without learning for it. Positive thoughts do only support you and give you strength to struggle for you aims.

  3. I completely agree with Caro’s statement. I do believe in the power of positive thinking. It does have an influence of yourself and the people around you. I think that it does not solve all of your problems but it often makes it easier to achieve a solution.
    However you shouldn’t be too euphoric at some point because you might get disappointed.

  4. I totally agree to what Caro said.

    I think positive thinking changes your whole attitude towards yourself and the world around you. If you think positive, a lot more things will work out better, because of your positive outward appearance and behaviour.
    Of course, you aren't able to influence particular events with positive thinking, e.g. when you don't learn before an exam, you will certainly not pass it. However, it may help you to cope with different situations, especially disappointments. You can say: “Next time will be better!“, and you'll probably won't be destroyed by some unimportant disappointments.
    I have to admit, that I am really a “negative thinker“, and this is what preserves me from diasppointments. For example, before an exam I drive myself mad, although I am well prepared, but in the end I'm always quite satisfied with the results (as in the Mid Term Exam ;) )! I don't like thinking positive, and get diasppointed in the end. Naturally, I don't spread out my negative energy to my environment, it is only in my mind :D
    Therefore, I can't really make up my mind whether positive or negative thinking is better for me. Maybe some kind of mixture, depending on the situations.
    Everybody has to make his own decision and find out what is better for himself.

  5. I think, the most important aspects are already mentioned and I totally agree.
    Positive thinking is good for everything, especially for your character. I also believe that positive thinking can be "powerful" and it can help us in different situations of life. However, in my opinion, it is important to have the right "balance" between positive and negative (or better realistic) thinking. As already said you can be disappointed if something doesn't work the way you want...Thus, it is important that you still be realistic and that you don't live in a dreamworld.
    You have to keep in mind that the power of positive thinking is limited and thus it doesn't solve any problems...

  6. As far as I’m concerned, I’m neither a positive nor a negative thinker.
    Anyway, if I had to choose I’d rather think negatively. It doesn’t mean though that I appear as a depressed or negative person in my environment. I don’t think that I influence people due to my thoughts because I don’t convey my attitude. It’s just that I’d rather think negatively than positively in situations where I don’t know if they turn out to be good.
    It has often happened to me that I was quite let down when thinking too positively and euphemistically. Obviously, it’s easier to think positively because then you take life easier. As for negative thinking you constantly have to think of your problems and try to find solutions whereas positive thinkers just wouldn’t care.
    Nevertheless, negative thinking can be seen in a way positively because then you are desperate to change your situation to the better. One would rather act when thinking negatively due to a fear of failing. A positive thinker would just say “I don’t have to worry, I’m sure everything will be fine”
    Actually, for me, the easiest way is to think in a way neutrally, so neither positively nor negatively. If I think negatively I’m just constantly concerned and if I think positively I can be let down quite easily.

  7. According to my opinion positive thinking contains a lot of truth.It happened that I was very negative about my actions, but then my sister told me something. She said, that I just have to believe in myself. That's just the way she always did, and it helped her. When I read the headline 'Thoughts: The Power of Positive Thinking.... ', I expected such an example as given in the article. I think if someone has very negative thoughts, it is like you would attract 'bad' things and a negative result. Of course it is right to say, that whatever you do, you have to be prepared. Furthermore, I believe, that it is probable that our positive thinking just affects our own actions. We cannot rely on getting some attention, love or help from other people, just because we think positive. Nevertheless, it would do no harm if people are reasonably confident and tell themselves 'yes, I am prepared, I don't have to worry, I can do that'.

  8. I think that you are first up influenced by the things that surround you. As so, you develop certain opinions about what is happening around you. Children risen in Ghettos got more of a negative impact a day, so they turn out to be more aggressive. I think what is important about positive thinking is that you do it like in Billy Joel's "we didn't start the fire."

  9. I guess that positive thinking is very important but not very easy, especially these days where the media pulls us down with negative thoughts on every single subject.

    I have heard about a few cases where positive thoughts even cured very bad cancer. Even if only a minority experience such extreme results by positive thinking it can only enrich our daily behavior and relationships to other people. I mean it defenitely does no harm to have good thoughts.

    Check out "Marvin the manic depressive robot" from "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy".
    Hits the topic perfecly:-D

  10. I believe in positive thinking, not in the way that it is a magical wand that can give you anything you wish just by thinking positive. I believe it in the way that you can have a happier life and less stress, because you are optimistic about everything you do or everything that is happening around you.
    Whenever something bad happens to me that makes me feel sad, I am still thinking positive. I take it as an expericence that will strenghten my character or I believe it was meant to be so that it will bring me to a better point in the future.
    If you try to find flaws you will find them too, but it is up to you how to handle them. You can either be depressive about it or make the best out of it.

  11. I am of the opinion that without positive thinking it is very difficult to be successful and happy in your life.You will only achieve positive results if you both,work hard and think in a positive way.However,positive thinking can also lead to dissapointments.For example,if you do not study hard for an exam it does not make sense to expect a very good result.One has also to think realistically. Apart from this,positive thinking also helps to support someone who suffers from illness. Psychologists for instance, always advice their patients to think positvely because this would help them to forget bad memories or experiences and in this way encourages them to start to improve their situation.

    Taking everything into consideration,I think positive thinking is a power which solves a majority of our problems.

  12. The power of positiv thinking is the fundemant of every success. That is my opionion. You have to imagine your wishes clearly. You have to be positive and this positive power will bring you more steps further than a negatove attitude or the badest thing ever is that you are an pessimist! That is like you dig a pit fpr yourself.

    On a series note, if you don't believe in you and don't trust yourself who should it do for you?

    Everyone is responsible for his or her life and like I mentioned before: Postive thinking is the grounding of your success, hapiness and your self-esteem.
    If you think positive you have more self-confidence and courage. Maybe you could do things that you were afraid of doing it.

    We even don't know how long we are upon this earth so, trust yourself and think positive and do what you set in your mind.

    But...but...there is an important point to regard.
    There is a huge distinction between the real and unreal thoughts. You must be able to decide whehter is real and what is just science-fiction.

    When we take it into consideration a more courageous and happier life will be recieve us with cheers.
